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Fixed Projector Screens

The fixed projector screen range from Euroscreen has mutliple options to choose from. Although the options can be dauntingly vast - we have focused on their Frame Vision, Frame Vision Light & Frame Vision Edgless product lines.

The Frame Vision fixed screens have a black 5cm wide frame and are available in 1.8m - 5.2m widths. They feature a Vel-Tex option for surround - true black velvet textile, and screen materials - Flexwhite, React 3.0, Flexgrey, Flexrear & Flexperf.

The Frame Vision Light fixed screens have a black 5cm wide frame and are available in 1.7m - 2.4m widths. They feature a Vel-Tex option for surround - true black velvet textile, and screen materials - Flexwhite, React 3.0, Flexgrey, Flexrear & Flexperf.

The Frame Vision Edgeless fixed screens have no visible edge/frame and are available in 2m - 5.5m widths. They an faeture screen materials - Flexwhite, React 3.0, & Flexgrey.

NOTE: The product lisitings are for guideline purposes only. Please contact us directly for any orders and specifications - as due to the customisable nature of the product lines, they cannot all be listed.

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Fixed Projection Screens

Euroscreen® Frame Vision - Fixed Projection Screen

Euroscreen® Frame Vision - Fixed...

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Euroscreen® Frame Vision Edgeless - Fixed Projection Screen

Euroscreen® Frame Vision Edgeless -...

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Euroscreen® Frame Vision Light - Fixed Projection Screen

Euroscreen® Frame Vision Light - Fixed...

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